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Работилница на МОТ за новата Национална прогама за пристојна работа во Македонија

  Конфедерација на слободни синдикати на Македонија зазема учество на работилницата за следење и оценување за новата Национална програма за пристојна работа во Македонија која се одржа на 11-12 јуни 2018 година во Скопје а која беше организирана од страна на Меѓународната организација на трудот (МОТ). Во обуката беа вклучени специјалистите и раководителите на средно […]

Campaign “Desent work for desent life “

On 16th of June 2018 the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia held a press- conference in order to present the new campaign that started as a result of long period of dissatisfaction , the non-functioning of the social dialogue and the destruction of the economic and social  council  that is reflected on the […]


The Conference of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia on the session held on April 30, 2018 discussed the current economic and social situation  in  our country the activities of  KSS and its members in the last few months and based on these observations, and in anticipation of the celebration on May 1 […]

“ Stop Gender Based Violence at work! Support an ILO Convention! “

Starting from 14th of  February a global campaign against gender-based violence has been launched. The campaign run by the International Confederation of Trade Unions says “Stop Gender Based Violence at work! Support an ILO Convention! “. Trade unions urge the International Labor Organization to adopt a new international convention for the prevention of gender-based violence […]

Reaction of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions Of Macedonia for the silence by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia

Instead of making an agreement with Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia about our legitimate demands, we spent already a month of the protest when we were called by representatives of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, again we are facing ignoring and dysfunction of social dialogue and partnership. No Mayor has ever […]

“Does the youth working rights are respected?”

Within the framework of the National Campaign “365 Workers’ Rights for Youth” implemented by the Coalition SEGA through the Youth Information Centers in Prilep and Kavadarci in cooperation with the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia, Fakulteti.mk and the Agency for Youth and Sport of the Republic of Macedonia. There was held Panel Discussion […]

Plenary Meeting of RTUC ,,Solidarnost”

At the end of January, on 31st January 2018, was held a plenary session of the Regional trade union council “Solidarity”  in which  members of the representative trade unions from the countries of the Former Yugoslav Republic are participating. The meeting was held in the building of the Confederation of autonomous trade unions of Serbia. […]

National Campaign “365 Labor Rights for Youth”

From 01 January 2018, the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia, together with the Youth Information and Advisory Centers INFO SEGA from Prilep and Kavadarci in cooperation with Faculteti.mk officially started the “365 Labor Rights for Youth” campaign. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness among young people about their labor rights […]

KSS through Public Protest expressed its demands

Today, the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia (KSS) held the announced Public Protest that started from Gate Macedonia through the Ministry of Justice, to the Government of Republic of Macedonia. The workers, members of the branch trade unions of KSS went to a peaceful protest to raise their demands for salary increase in […]