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КСС со свој претставник на Европска Академија за млади на тема “Работата на иднината”

Ана Јанкулоска, дел од младинската секција при Конфедерацијата на слободни синдикати на Македонија зема учество на Европската младинска академија за работа на иднината. Академијата се одржа од 1-58 април во Интернациналиот тренинг центар на Меѓународната организација на трудот во Торино, Италија.На академијата учествуваа вкупно 52 претставнции од цела Европа и експерти од областа на работните […]

KSS protested in Stip

  The Confederation of Free Trade Unions held a major social protest on Saturday, 26 January 2019 in Stip. The protest march started at the square “Sloboda” in Stip. The main demands of the protest were the increase of the public sector wages in accordance with the percentage of the increase in the minimum wage […]

KSS protested in Prilep

The Confederation of free trade unions of Macedonia has decided to radicalize its actions in order to achieve its demands with which it wants to raise the social status of its members and employees in the public sector. KSS submitted the requirements to the Government of Republic of Macedonia and to the relevant ministries in […]

The 4th ITUC World Congress held in Copenhagen

The Confederation of Free Trade Unions took part in the Fourth World Congress of the International Trade Unions Confederation where the Confederation of free trade unions of Macedonia is a full member. The Congress was held from December 2-7, 2018, in Copenhagen, Denmark. More than 1,200 participants took part in five days of debate to […]

Meeting with representatives from Union to Union from Sweden

On 20th of June  2018 at the premises of Confederation of free trade unions of Macedonia, representatives of Union to Union, a trade union from Sweden, which is part of the Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions and the Swedish Confederation of Professional Workers visited the Confederation of free trade unions of Macedonia. Union to Union promotes decent […]

Promotion of the campaign “Decent wages for decent life” in Stip

Today, the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia, had visited Stip, within the campaign entitled “Decent wages for a decent life”. There were set up an informative and an educational stands, while info materials were distributed where were pronounced the requirements that KSS has come forward to improve the wages and conditions for workers that are […]