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Reaction of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions Of Macedonia for the silence by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia


Instead of making an agreement with Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia about our legitimate demands, we spent already a month of the protest when we were called by representatives of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, again we are facing ignoring and dysfunction of social dialogue and partnership. No Mayor has ever called the Local Economic Councils until now.

We are witnessing an increase in the retirement age, an unprofessional and overhauled administration with the need to dismiss a large number of workers, and we are witnessing a large number of new employments in the public sector, a transfer from public to private sector, for technological redundancies in certain activities, etc.

It is enough and now we are saying STOP, STOP for violation of laws, STOP for violation of collective agreements, STOP for non-constructive social dialogue, STOP for humiliation of public administration, STOP for pressures, for destroying trade union movement.

– Immediately to cease the pressures on public sector employees, in particular the pressure on trade union representatives and the attempt to conceal the trade union movement

– Immediate approach to harmonization of public sector wages in line with the increase in the minimum wage from October 2017

– Immediately start negotiations on increasing public sector wages without discrimination on certain activities

– Immediately start negotiations for amending and supplementing the General Collective Agreement for the public sector in order to raise labor rights in the area of past labor, the right to recourse to hungry holidays and maternity leave.

– It is compulsory to harmonize the requirements for public sector halls between representative trade unions and the Government, before any planning of the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia.

We ask the Government of the Republic of Macedonia together with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia to call Confederation of Free Trade Unions by March 15, at the latest, to come up with a solution to the demands set, otherwise we will continue its trade union activities with regard to undertaking radical trade union measures.