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About Us


Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia (KSS) is a voluntary trade union organization which affiliates trade unions from the public and private sectors in the country, which thus form two federations: Federation of public sector and Federation of private sector.

KSS was established on December 28, 2005 as a result of a free, democratic and independent trade union movement with the main goal to put ultimate quasi – syndicalism and to restore hope and confidence among workers in prosperity and to restore respect for labor. Founders of KSS is the Independent Trade Union of Education, Science and Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, Independent Trade Union of Defence Workers, Federation for Transport and Communications and the Trade Union of Financial Organizations of Macedonia.

KSS is an autonomous organization, independent of government, political parties, employers and other organizations and interest groups.

Main objectives of KSS are: economic and social security of workers, protection and promotion of labor rights, decent living standards, timely and decent wages and pensions, guaranteeing the minimum wage, safe and healthy jobs, health care for all citizens, develop democracy, social justice and solidarity.

Basic methods for achieving the goals are: encouraging and developing constructive relations between the social partners, the development of social dialogue and social partnership, encouraging and promoting collective bargaining at all levels, participation in decision-making of institutions, initiatives for adopting laws and ratification and implementation of ILO conventions, promotion of trade union policy and activity through informative activities, but as a last resort and use of industrial actions (strikes and protests).

KSS has 11 affiliated branch trade unions:
– Trade Union of Public and State Administration of Macedonia
– Trade Union for Transport and Communications
– Independent Trade Union of Education, Science and Culture of the Republic of Macedonia
– The Independent Trade Union of the Workers of Energy, Miners and Industry of Macedonia
– Trade Union of Workers in Housing, Commercial and Utility Organizations of Macedonia
– Trade Union of Post and Telecommunication Operators of Macedonia
– Independent Trade Union of Fireman of Macedonia
– Trade Union of Catering services and Tourism
– Independent Trade Union of Agriculture
– Independent Trade Union of Defense
– Trade Union of Health and Pharmacy

Today, KSS is representative trade union at the national level and participate in the work of the Economic and Social Council of the Republic of Macedonia(ESC).