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Workshop for conciliation of labor disputes

Workshop for conciliation of labor disputes

Within the project Promoting social dialogue as a last final activity was organized a workshop facilitated collective bargaining that was held in hotel Arka from 28-30 March 2017.

The workshop was conducted on Silvan Buffy from the International Training Center of the ILO in Turin, Mr. Kiran Mulvey from  the Labor Relations Commission of Ireland. Both are experts with long and rich experience in helping countries in the region in promoting social dialogue and the strengthening of collective bargaining at national and sectoral level. Also her contribution gave Christina Mihes which is Senior specialist of MOT for social dialogue and legislation.


On the workshop were presented the principles of the ILO for the peaceful settlement of labor disputes and were underlined  the EU practice and what is the practice in Macedonia regarding the peaceful settlement of labor disputes.

Аttention was paid to the different styles of reconciliation, the relationship between negotiation and conciliation, their contributions and the importance of alternatives in negotiation. All this with practical examples was conveyed through simulation of conciliation, where each of the participants of the workshop was in the role of conciliator.

At the end of this workshop were presented experiences of negotiation, the different outcomes that can get over this and that different ways you can approach in terms of negotiating. This section also included the typical mistakes that are made during the conciliation.


The workshop was organized by the project Promotion of social dialogue, which is funded by the European Union and implemented by the International Labour Organisation.