Training on “Process and policy development for employment”
From 28 to 30 June was held the third thematic training “process and policy development for employment “, which was moderated by Vali Corbanese who is an expert on employment policies. Objectives of the training was to review the stages in the development of employment policies, to review the areas covered and most importantly, their practice.
Attendees from the beginning of the training were involved with their opinions, views and expectations from this training.
Among those present were representatives from the Ministry of labour and Social Policy, representatives of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia, of the Federation of trade unions, the Organization of employers and members of the local economic and social councils in Macedonia.
Some of the points which have been mentioned more attention was paid the employment of young people, employment of older categories and critical alignment of supply and demand of labor.
The training was interactive, with active discussions, group work and develop practical examples of employment systems for which were given the opinions and ideas about the positivities and negativities of the particular employment system, you need to be changed, of which the target groups to put accent.
This training is organized by the Project Promoting social dialogue which is implemented by the ILO.