Congress of KSS
The Congress is the highest body of KSS. The Congress is convened every 5 years.
Decision to convene Congress is adopted by the Conference of KSS at least 60 days prior to its convening.
The number of delegates is determined by the Executive board. Members of Congress by function are members of the Conference.
The Congress elects Working Presidency and adopts Rules of procedures. Minutes are taken for the discussion and decisions.
Congress of KSS has the following responsibilities:
– Adopts the program documents of the KSS;
– Adopts the Statute of the KSS;
– Adopts report on material and financial operations of KSS in between congress period
– Elected President of KSS.
Extraordinary Congress is convened by decision of the Conference on the initiative of at least one half of the branch trade unions that cover at least two thirds of the membership of KSS. Delegates of Extraordinary Congress are those who were elected for the regular Congress.