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Meeting of the National economic and social council and local economic and social councils

Meeting of the National economic and social council and  local economic and social councils

Within the project “Promoting social dialogue” whose activities are aimed at strengthening the capacity of national and local economic and social councils, was organized a meeting of the National Economic and Social Council with local economic and social councils held on 7th March in hotel Arka in Skopje.

In order to establish greater cooperation between these economic and social councils were made analysis on topics of their interest including:

1.  Assessment of the Macedonian pension system
Monitoring the effects of minimum wage
The effects of personal income tax and contributions from salary
The possibility of establishing a fund for the promotion of social dialogue in the country

After finishing these analysis and making the conclusions based on the discussion were formulated recommendations and draft policies witch will be implemented in the future.

Also it was stated that these analyzes are good basis for further functioning of the ESS and that are important for the social dialogue.

This meeting was organized by the project “Promoting social dialogue” financed by the European Union and implemented by the International Labour Organisation.