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Occupational Health and Safety Forum – Bratislava

Occupational Health and Safety Forum – Bratislava

Bratislava, 8 -9 March 2017. In organization of the The European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and the Trade Union Confederation of the Slovak Republic was held Occupational health and safety Forum, on which KSS has own representatives, Dejan Hadzi Dimov and Angel Panev, experts in the field of safety and health at work. Main objectives of the Forum were:

– An information exchange on trade union activities regarding health and safety at work from the perspective of neighboring countries.

– Different strategies and practical tools which help trade union preserve and increase their influence at the workplace.

– Future cooperation in health and safety at work between participating trade union organizations.

Members of the Workers Groups of the Advisory Committee for Safety and Health in Slovakia presented OHS priorities and obstacles in Slovakia from the view of trade unions.

The forum participants from KSS presented the current situation in Macedonia on OSH where our trade union is participating which covers a range of activities both in the area of health and safety and economic – social and civic plan with other stakeholders and partners in society.

Within the Forum participants had the opportunity to visit the company Slovnaft, integrated refinery and petrochemical company, where participants met with company managers and union representatives, and there were discussed issues of prevention in workplaces.