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Promotional event of KSS – Peaceful settlement of labor disputes

Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia promotes the mechanism for fast, efficient and financially viable extrajudicial settlement of labor disputes. Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia – KSS today in Holiday Inn Skopje, in front of its membership organized an event for promotion a mechanism for the peaceful settlement of labor disputes with […]

Campaign – Social rights first!

  Социјалните права на прво место! Крени глас за социјалните права! Европската комисија е спремна да ги слушне работниците и сите граѓани за креирање на Европа во која ќе се почитуваат социјалните права. Синдикатите имаат план да ги стават социјалните права пред интересите на големите бизниси и банки. Да се приклучиме на кампањата на ЕТУК за: Пристојна […]

Establishment of LESCs in Radovis

After  the signing of the agreements in Struga and Kicevo, on 07.19.2016 was signed an agreement for establishing the LESCs in  Radovis. This council with its consultative and advisory role will contribute to the development and improvement of socio-economic conditions in Radovis which is the main objective of the establishment of this local economic and […]

Mission of the delegation of ITUC/PERC visits KSS

On 7 and 8 July 2016 the delegation of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) through the Pan-European Regional Council (PERC) visited Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia KSS with mission for admission KSS as a full member of the ITUC. The delegation of ITUC / PERC were the Executive Secretary of  ITUC / […]

Training on ” Gender equality and non-discrimination “

On 21st of June at the Slavic University- St. Nikole, was held thematic training on “ Gender equality and non-discrimination”, the second of eight planned thematic trainings organized by the Project Promoting social dialogue. The debates were related to non-discrimination and equality in employment and Macedonian context in terms of non-discrimination of women in the […]

Establishment of LESCs in Struga and Kicevo

Actively is continuing with the activities under the Project for the promotion of social dialogue, on 27.06.2016 was signed agreements for the establishment of local economic and social councils in the municipalites of Struga and Kicevo. These agreements was signed by the Mayors of Struga and Kicevo  Mr. Zijadin Sela  and Mr. Fatmir Dehari, Presidents […]