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” International labor day “

Confederation of free trade unions of Macedonia to all workers and all citizens of the Republic of Macedonia congratulates the International Labor Day, May Day, when we remember the struggle for workers rights, that is to have 8 hour working day, the right of free days, the right of protection at work and many others. […]

Workshop for conciliation of labor disputes

Within the project Promoting social dialogue as a last final activity was organized a workshop facilitated collective bargaining that was held in hotel Arka from 28-30 March 2017. The workshop was conducted on Silvan Buffy from the International Training Center of the ILO in Turin, Mr. Kiran Mulvey from  the Labor Relations Commission of Ireland. […]

KSS organizes ceremonial academy on the occasion of receiving full membership status of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)

Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia upon accession to the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) organized a ceremonionial academy where the President of KSS, Blagoja Ralpovski addressed to the audience. The Honorary president of KSS addressed on the subject ,, Trade union challenges in the country in […]

Open session of the Economic – Social Council

On 20.03.2017  was held an open session of the Economic – Social Council, where were presentinted the activities implemented by the functioning of the ESS, on national and local level and the improved the functioning of the ESS. It was also presented the annual Work Programme of the Economic – Social Council chaired by the Minister […]

Практична работилница за Колективно договарање

Како продолжение на претходната работилница за колективни договарање за секторот градежништво, се одржа уште една таква работилница, но овој пат за секторот трговија. Работилницата се одржа на 14 ти март во х.Арка во Скопје. На работилницата беа пренесени практични искуства од експертите од Германија, Нилс Буш-Петерсен кој беше како претставник на работодавачите и Ерика Ритер […]

Occupational Health and Safety Forum – Bratislava

Bratislava, 8 -9 March 2017. In organization of the The European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and the Trade Union Confederation of the Slovak Republic was held Occupational health and safety Forum, on which KSS has own representatives, Dejan Hadzi Dimov and Angel Panev, experts in the field of safety and health at work. Main objectives […]

Трипартитна работилница за слободата на здружување и колективното договарање

На иницијатива на членовите на ЕСС и на барање на Министерството за труд и социјална политика на 8ми март во хотел Арка во Скопје се одржа трипартитна работилница на која учествуваа претставници од Организација на работодавачи, од синдикатите и секако од Министерството за труд и социјална политика. На оваа работилница се презентираа техничките коментари и […]