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Support from the International trade union confederation

The General Secretary of the International trade union confederation has sent a letter to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, calling on them to stop any interference in trade union affairs and trade union organization,  to stop creating obstacles in organizing regular elections in trade unions, pressures and intimidation of […]

Meeting with representatives from Union to Union from Sweden

On 20th of June  2018 at the premises of Confederation of free trade unions of Macedonia, representatives of Union to Union, a trade union from Sweden, which is part of the Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions and the Swedish Confederation of Professional Workers visited the Confederation of free trade unions of Macedonia. Union to Union promotes decent […]

Promotion of the campaign “Decent wages for decent life” in Stip

Today, the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia, had visited Stip, within the campaign entitled “Decent wages for a decent life”. There were set up an informative and an educational stands, while info materials were distributed where were pronounced the requirements that KSS has come forward to improve the wages and conditions for workers that are […]

Работилница на МОТ за новата Национална прогама за пристојна работа во Македонија

  Конфедерација на слободни синдикати на Македонија зазема учество на работилницата за следење и оценување за новата Национална програма за пристојна работа во Македонија која се одржа на 11-12 јуни 2018 година во Скопје а која беше организирана од страна на Меѓународната организација на трудот (МОТ). Во обуката беа вклучени специјалистите и раководителите на средно […]

Campaign “Desent work for desent life “

On 16th of June 2018 the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia held a press- conference in order to present the new campaign that started as a result of long period of dissatisfaction , the non-functioning of the social dialogue and the destruction of the economic and social  council  that is reflected on the […]

ILO/EC Conference entitled: Industrial relations in Europe: Fostering equality at work and cross-country convergence

On 17th and 18th of May 2018 in Paris, France was held a Conference entitled:”Industrial relations in Europe: Fostering equality at work and cross-country convergence”  that was organized by the International Labor Office in cooperation with the European Commission, hosted by Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of France. Political debates were organized at a […]


The Conference of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia on the session held on April 30, 2018 discussed the current economic and social situation  in  our country the activities of  KSS and its members in the last few months and based on these observations, and in anticipation of the celebration on May 1 […]