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Plenary session of the RSS „Solidarnost“ and Application for full status membership of European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)

  From 7 to 10 of May in Becici, Montenegro, was held plenary session of the RSS „Solidarnost“on which were discussed several topics, including cooperation with the International Trade Union Confederation and the creation of a regional database of collective agreements. Youth Committee held a session who looked at the already initiated and planned organizing […]

Celebrated 8th of March International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day which is annually celebrated on 8th March is a symbol of women’s struggle for economic, political and social equality. This day is celebrated as a tribute to the efforts of women for their emancipation and fight for gender equality,  although this struggle in some countries still continues. Confederation of Free Trade Unions […]

Fourth Congress of KSS

On 21.12.2016 at Hotel Continental Skopje was held the Fourth Congress of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia (KSS) on which unanimously was elected the President of KSS Blagoja Ralpovski in the next five years. The President of KSS addressed ,, We are the strength of the new age translated into the trade […]