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Seminar on topic “Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of their labor exploitation”

Seminar on topic “Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of their labor exploitation”

On June 28, 2017, in hotel Holiday Inn was held a seminar on topic “Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of their labor exploitation” , organized by the Council of Europe and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Macedonia.

The purpose of this seminar is to review ways to prevent trafficking in human beings, to provide a forum for discussion of emerging trends and initiatives taken by stakeholders in order to detect cases of trafficking and prevention of trafficking in human beings.

Of course, the Confederation of free trade unions of Macedonia- KSS  takes its part and expressed its view on this topic and how the unions would help to prevent the trafficking in human beings through their functioning.

The President of the Confederation of free trade unions of Macedonia- KSS, Blagoja Ralpovski, who participated in the panel session, emphasized that there must be cooperation and communication between trade unions and the competent institutions, because information can be traced directly from the field that would assist in the work of the inspectorates.

The whole project “Prevention and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings” implemented by the Council of Europe covers issues of legislation, policy-making and practice in the defined area. Expertise will be provided for reviewing current trends in trafficking in human beings for purposes of labor exploitation in the country and on this basis will be carried out activities to increase the capacities of labor inspectorates, law enforcement officials, trade unions and other stakeholders to detect, identify and assist victims of trafficking in human beings.

This project started from October 1st and will last until June 30, 2018 with a budget of 350,000 euros.